Die Godesburg - das Wahrzeichen von Bad Godesberg

Bad Godesberg
Diplomatic City on the Rhine

more about Bad Godesberg

Embassy Tours


What`s left then? There are especially the enchanting former ambassador residences on the river Rhine in Rüngsdorf, Plittersdorf and Mehlem which will continue to provide a diplomatic air in Bad Godesberg. They are and remain locations of national remembrance not only for Bad Godesberg and Bonn, but also for the entire Federal Republic of Germany becuase they were places of important encounters or buildings linked with historical events that had a major impact on the course of post-war history.

more about Embassy Tours


more about me

Born in 1962 in Bonn of a Portugese mother and a German father Michael Wenzel grew up in the Bad Godesberg district of Rüngsdorf- among diplomats and embassy staff. He studied Politics in Bonn and Berlin, did his year in social work as an alternative to military service and spent a study year in Lisbon. He began his journalistic career in the mid-nineties working free-lance for the Bonner Rundschau. In 1999/2000, he reported on the sale of numerous embassies and embassy residences for the General Anzeiger, for which he continues to work.

more about the Guide

Früher waren hier Botschaften

Bad Godesberg 1949 – 2019
Spurensuche in einer kleinen Stadt von Welt

In seinem Buch beschreibt der Bonner Journalist Michael Wenzel - Autor von „Kleine Geschichte(n) Bad Godesberger Botschaften“ - das „Phänomen Bad Godesberg“: 1949-1999 als Diplomatenstadtteil der ehemaligen Bundeshauptstadt Bonn, von 1999 bis heute als Stadtbezirk, der um seinen guten Ruf ringt. Eine Spurensuche zwischen der Geschichte der Bonner Republik und der Realität von heute.

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